Juhyeon Kim

Junior Researcher

Department of data-centric problem solving research

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

E-mail: jhk@kisti.re.kr

View My Google Scholar Profile



Began and finished my master’s degree at the data mining laboratory. Interested in improving the performance of machine learning models and adapting them to real world data. Being as a researcher for more than 4 years, trained myself, accumulating suitable data, analyzing data with machine learning models, and building data and analysis support solutions. Reliable facilitator with problem solving, creative thinking, and assisting leadership with project fulfillment to elicit performance, productivity efficiency, and profitability. Eager for being pioneer of health care field with these abilities, and improve health care using machine learning techniques at progressive organization.

II. Educations

III. Publications

IV. Conference Presentations

V. Patents